Making sure your screenplay doesn’t leave you stranded.
The one the pros use!
For over 10 years, I’ve been offering the most comprehensive script proofreading service in the business. That’s why I’ve become the first choice for amateurs and A-list screenwriters alike. Let me help you make a great first impression!
Script Proofreading
Interview with Scott Rosenberg
Kid In The Front Row has a posted a great interview with screenwriter Scott Rosenberg (Beautiful Girls, Con Air, Things To Do in Denver When You're Dead, Gone in Sixty Seconds). Here's an excerpt: There's a big myth for writers trying to get into the industry; who...
5 Second Films
Can you tell a satisfying story in five seconds? I'm a believer after watching this hilarious collection of the top twenty 5-second films. (This video is NSFW.) Via: Neatorama
Q & A with Michele Wallerstein
Do you have a question that you'd like to have answered by a longtime Hollywood literary agent? Send it in! Question: (Anonymous) How is being a consultant different than being an agent? Are they basically the same except for the title? Can...
Making Time
This photo comes courtesy of my mom's blog Proverbial Beauty. Despite her very busy schedule, she finds a way to post one of her marvelous pictures, complete with an appropriately thought-provoking quote, every single day. As a writer, I am particularly inspired by...
Surprise ‘Em
The Wow Factor Want to know a surefire way to impress someone reading your script? Surprise them! That doesn't mean coming up with a twist ending. That means ensuring there are surprises in every scene. Yes, EVERY scene. Surprises can take on many forms: Actions that...
Guest Post at ScriptXRay
I've been a big fan of the web site ScriptXRay for a long time. So I was very excited by the opportunity to contribute today's guest post for their site, on the subject of demystifying story structure. Here's an excerpt: Hallowed or Hackneyed? When it comes to...
How To Improve Your Spec Screenplays
How To Improve Your Spec Screenplays by Michele Wallerstein I’ve read and worked on spec screenplays for about a million years. During these years I’ve discovered that almost all new writers (and some old ones) seem to make the same mistakes in their work. There are...
Oscar Themed Links
In anticipation of the 82nd Academy Awards celebration tonight, I've collected a few cool Oscar themed links: * Tavis Coburn, of The Dutch Uncle Agency, created vintage style movie posters for all the British Academy Film Awards nominees (which are also up for...
Q & A with Michele Wallerstein
Do you have a question that you'd like to have answered by a longtime Hollywood literary agent? Send it in! Question: (Susan Bridges) My writing partner and I have submitted a screenplay and one sheet to a production company. From the...
Montage Format – Part 2
Recap Jim Sarantinos had asked: "Can you tell me how to format montage sequences?" In Part 1 of this article, I started off my response by listing the order of operations I usually follow for exploring any type of script formatting issue: 1. Search for...
Miscast Classic Films
Let's all breathe a collective: "Phew!" Dan Meth peeks behind the showbiz curtain to bring you the Hollywood that could have been. Some of cinema's greatest film roles, as played by some of [the] actors initially considered for them. Miscast Classic Films
Worst Line Reading Ever
As screenwriters, we all dream of the day we get to watch an actor saying our words on the big screen... That is, unless it's this actor: Other "Worst Ever" moments courtesy of Mental Floss here.