Karate Kid WannabeDid you miss me? Not even realize I was gone?

Well either way, after a two week blogcation, I’m back baby!

Here are some things to look forward to in the next week or so:

  • I’ve decided to start a new feature where I take a look at the craft of modern scripts (post 2005) and see what lessons they provide.
  • I’ll rave about Avatar — no not that AvatarAvatar: The Last Airbender — the brilliant TV series on which the upcoming movie is based.
  • Michele Wallerstein, our authority on the industry from an Agent’s perspective, has a July post about Writing Contests.
  • I watched the easily forgettable Invictus last week and when I saw that it had earned a higher score on IMDB than some of the best comedy movies of all time, it inspired a rant I call: “The Madness of Comedy Movie Ratings”
  • There may be one or two posts about lightsabers… just because.

I noticed my subscriber numbers have continued to increase in my absence, so thanks for sticking with me, and a hearty welcome to the newcomers!

If you have any questions, ideas for posts, just want to say hi, or share a crop circle story, I’d love to hear from you.
