by Michele Wallerstein | Jul 9, 2010 | Contests, Industry Advice, Michele Wallerstein |
Screenwriting Contests by Michele Wallerstein Okay, you finished the world’s greatest screenplay. You’ve sweated out the hours and hours of work. You’ve managed to get through the days of self-doubt. You might even have managed to stay married through it all. Here...
by Michele Wallerstein | Jun 11, 2010 | Industry Advice, Michele Wallerstein |
Do you have a question that you’d like to have answered by a longtime Hollywood literary agent? Send it in! Question: One day I hope to study film and become a screenwriter/director. I don’t know much about the film industry quite...
by Michele Wallerstein | Jun 5, 2010 | Industry Advice, Michele Wallerstein |
How To Present Yourself by Michele Wallerstein Certainly we all think that this is simple enough. We simply show up. Are there right and wrong ways to present yourself? You bet. But you think that you are cool, hip, with it. You think you dress just fine and in an...
by Michele Wallerstein | May 21, 2010 | Michele Wallerstein |
Finding The Truth About Your Work – Good, Bad Or Indifferent by Michele Wallerstein OK, let’s say you’ve come this far as a writer: you’ve written one or two original screenplays or a novel or one or two TV movies or spec episodes. Now comes the scary part. Are...
by Michele Wallerstein | Apr 23, 2010 | Contests, Industry Advice, Michele Wallerstein |
Do you have a question that you’d like to have answered by a longtime Hollywood literary agent next Friday? Send it in! Question: (Anonymous) Why is my contest-winning script about an interesting but relatively obscure figure involved...