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The one the pros use!
For over 10 years, I’ve been offering the most comprehensive script proofreading service in the business. That’s why I’ve become the first choice for amateurs and A-list screenwriters alike. Let me help you make a great first impression!
Script Proofreading
Must Read: Terry Rossio Interview
Best. Interview. EVER. Recently John Robert Marlow interviewed Terry Rossio for his web site: The Lonely Keyboard. TERRY ROSSIO is the second-highest grossing screenwriter in the history of the medium. He prefers to write with a partner, which is almost invariably Ted...
Lost Links
A few random links for my fellow Lost fans... NOTE: If you didn't watch the Season 6 premiere last week, these links contain a SPOILER. * Did the Lost creators make the right call about Jack's character? * View a side-by-side comparison of the initial Oceanic flight...
Fun with Batman and Robin
As a writer of action-comedy screenplays, I'm always trying to milk the funny in my scenes. Sometimes that means coming up with multiple jokes or approaches, then deciding which one works the best. So imagine my joy when I found this site that lets you create your own...
Q & A with Michele Wallerstein
Do you have a question that you'd like to have answered by a longtime Hollywood literary agent? Send it in! Question #1: (from Kevin Banker) Say I have question. When coming up with a concept for a movie, is there a standard as to how it...
5 Pitfalls of Rushing Your First Draft
The Mantra Many screenwriting books and gurus have this mantra: "If you start rewriting before you reach the end of your script, you will never finish it." They'll say, "Try to reach the end of your first draft quickly, so you can get to the rewriting process, where...
Best Action Sequence Ever?
There's awesome, and then there's AWESOME. This video clip, from the movie Alluda Mazaaka...!, falls into the latter category. To say that it's over-the-top would be like saying Lady Gaga has bold fashion sense. So sit back and enjoy the sequence. Don't try to...
Mensa Movie Titles Quiz
I got a Mensa Page-a-Day calendar for Christmas this year. Once in a blue moon I have the time or brainpower to actually solve one of the puzzles. Imagine my delight when I flipped the page and found a movie-themed quiz. I was finally in my element, like Cliff Claven...
3 Tips for Low-Budget Spec Scripts
Low-Budget Success With the recent sale of the low-budget film Buried at the Sundance Film Festival, and the success of movies like Paranormal Activity, a lot of screenwriters are hoping to craft the next great low-budget film. Here are three things screenwriters...
Q & A with Michele Wallerstein
Do you have a question that you'd like to have answered by a longtime Hollywood literary agent? Send it in! Question: (from Anonymous) What a great opportunity!! I would really love to know how someone unknown with no sales under their belt...
Movie News and Links: 01-28-10
Here are some interesting movie-related stories and links I've discovered for January 28, 2010: Popular Mechanics has picked their top sci-fi, military and environmental films at Sundance 2010. It's pilot season in the television world, and apparently spec...
Real Life Pandora “Plant”
This is cool Apparently fiction is sometimes as strange as truth. Check out this undersea "plant" (soft coral?) that has the same defense mechanism as the disappearing plant on Pandora, from James Cameron's little indie film, Avatar. Via Neatorama
Top Four!
Writing feature screenplays is hard work. Every now and again I find a great excus -- er... exercise, that allows me to focus on something else for a while.[1. My last distraction got me to the quarterfinals of the Creative Screenwriting Cyberspace Open competition]...