CyberSpace Open - Cast VoteThe first (and last) time I entered Creative Screenwriting’s Cyberspace Open, it was a very, ahem, gut-wrenching experience.

The contest has changed a bit since 2009. There’s no more 24 hour phase or two hour rush final. They also film the three finalists utilizing actors and a narrator.

I’m not a big fan of the filmed scenes. While they’re better this time around, they still smack of a high school drama class rehearsal, with most actors reading from scripts, and showing only a modest regard for the actual scene direction.

But overall the contest is a great way to test your scene-writing chops. I’m pleased to report that one of the finalists this year is Elisa Graybill from my screenwriting group. Way to go Elisa!

I genuinely think her written scene was the best, and most closely followed the scene cue. So please show Elisa some Scriptwrecked love and give her your vote if you agree with me!