by Trevor Mayes | May 3, 2010 | Motivation, Off Topic |
Here’s a little inspiration for all those writers out there who have had creative work rejected. Neatorama has put together a list of famous books that were first rejected by publishers. Here’s an excerpt: Gone With the Wind – one of the most enduring...
by Trevor Mayes | May 2, 2010 | Movie Reviews |
This isn’t really a review of The Lovely Bones, so much as it is a “What if?” game. That is, what if the movie Ghost had made some bad script choices? Unlike all of my other reviews, this one is teeming with SPOILERS, so if you haven’t seen The...
by Trevor Mayes | Apr 30, 2010 | Rants, Television, True Blood |
Dear TV and Movie Vampires: As mesmerized as I am by your moonlit adventures, I continue to be confused by several aspects of your behavior. Most notably: Why do you have so much blood on your face?! I get it. You love blood. It’s colorful, iron-licious,...
by Trevor Mayes | Apr 28, 2010 | Dialogue, Formatting, Quick Screenwriting Tips |
If a parenthetical provides obvious information, it should be removed. Example of UNNECESSARY parenthetical usage — (angrily): JAKE (angrily) I’m going to kill ALL of you! We know Jake is angry because of what he says and how he says it. The parenthetical...
by Trevor Mayes | Apr 26, 2010 | Quick Screenwriting Tips |
When proofing the final draft of your script, don’t forget to do a homonym pass. While we’re blazing through our first draft, it’s easy to inadvertently mix up words or contractions that sound the same in our heads. We need to weed-out any of these...