Writing Teams

Some of my friends have had great success as a writing team. Perhaps they answered all of Steve Kaire’s key questions at the outset of their partnership: There’s a list of questions that has to be answered before both parties make the final commitment to work...
The Shy Protagonist

The Shy Protagonist

There’s a script that it seems I’ve been writing for the past 10 years. I’ll work on it for a while, get extremely frustrated, then push it aside in favor of something easier to write. Then the cycle repeats itself. The problem? My protagonist, in...
Discontinue CONT’D

Discontinue CONT’D

The Continuing Use of CONT’D I’m still seeing a ton of people using “(CONT’D)” unnecessarily in their scripts, so it’s time for a quick rant post. In years past, it was common to use “(CONT’D)” whenever a...
The Black List

The Black List

Today Hollywood is all aflutter with the release of the Black List for 2009. What is The Black List? If you’re an unproduced screenwriter, it’s a list that you want to be on. Here’s an excerpt from The Black List official web site: THE BLACK LIST is...