by Trevor Mayes | Dec 16, 2009 | General, Industry Advice, My Experiences |
Shhh, it’s a secret! A few days ago, I attended a secret panel discussion of A-list screenwriters in Los Angeles. Technically, the meeting wasn’t a secret, but we were all told at the outset of the discussion to keep the content to ourselves —...
by Trevor Mayes | Dec 14, 2009 | Writing |
Some of my friends have had great success as a writing team. Perhaps they answered all of Steve Kaire’s key questions at the outset of their partnership: There’s a list of questions that has to be answered before both parties make the final commitment to work...
by Trevor Mayes | Dec 14, 2009 | Characters |
There’s a script that it seems I’ve been writing for the past 10 years. I’ll work on it for a while, get extremely frustrated, then push it aside in favor of something easier to write. Then the cycle repeats itself. The problem? My protagonist, in...
by Trevor Mayes | Dec 12, 2009 | Formatting, Style |
The Continuing Use of CONT’D I’m still seeing a ton of people using “(CONT’D)” unnecessarily in their scripts, so it’s time for a quick rant post. In years past, it was common to use “(CONT’D)” whenever a...
by Trevor Mayes | Dec 11, 2009 | General |
Today Hollywood is all aflutter with the release of the Black List for 2009. What is The Black List? If you’re an unproduced screenwriter, it’s a list that you want to be on. Here’s an excerpt from The Black List official web site: THE BLACK LIST is...