Are your slug lines naked?

Are your slug lines naked?

What’s a slug line? It’s another way of saying “shot heading” or “scene heading.” What’s a naked slug line? A naked slug line is a scene heading that has no direction below it — only dialogue. It’s considered bad...
Show Don’t Tell: The Revenge!

Show Don’t Tell: The Revenge!

Preamble In a previous post, I discussed some of the concepts and examples behind the expression, “Show don’t tell.” A picture says a thousand words — imagine how many words motion-pictures say. That’s why it’s a well-regarded rule...

11 Laws of Great Storytelling

Jeffrey Hirschberg has written a great article discussing the 11 laws he believes are critical to your script’s success. While it is impossible to have a foolproof formula, I have learned certain principles dramatically increase the probability of your story...