Reaction shots for maximum humor

Reaction shots for maximum humor

There’s a real joy that comes with learning an inside trick of the trade. In film school, one of the first such screenwriting secrets I remember learning was that funny things are made ten times funnier by showing reactions to them — reaction shots1. Show...
No-Spoiler Review of: 2012

No-Spoiler Review of: 2012

As with all my reviews, there will be absolutely NO spoilers. Sometimes even trailer moments will be excluded from my discussion. I hate it when surprises are ruined for me, so I’ll never ruin them for you! – Trevor This review is easy. Do you enjoy seeing...
The Return of James Cameron

The Return of James Cameron

Man of Extremes In anticipation of the upcoming movie, Avatar, Dana Goodyear of The New Yorker has written an in depth article about James Cameron, his life and his movies. If you don’t know who James Cameron is, you A) have some ‘splainin’ to do,...