by Trevor Mayes | Jul 3, 2013 | My Demon Girlfriend, My Experiences |
Evolution As this blog evolves, and as screenwriters evolve, I’d like to add directing, short films, video production and marketing to the conversation on Scriptwrecked. These days screenwriters need to have a utility belt of skills that they bring to table, in...
by Trevor Mayes | May 22, 2013 | Miscellaneous, My Experiences, Shorts, Writing |
Time Flies 292 Days. That’s how long it’s been since my last post. Yikes. So where the hell have I been and what have I been doing? Writing. As much as I love this blog, it occurred to me a while back, that I didn’t want to be a successful blogger. I...
by Trevor Mayes | Aug 3, 2012 | Feedback, Movie Reviews |
Second Looks Have you every been wrong about a movie? You know, you’re flipping channels and happen across a movie you saw a few years ago that you thought sucked, only to be suddenly drawn in by it. For me, that movie was Starship Troopers — Edward...
by Trevor Mayes | Jul 30, 2012 | Consultants, Critique |
Since I’ve been on hiatus from script consulting, I’m often asked if I could recommend other consultants. I’m happy to add Adam Levenberg — former development executive and author of The Starter Screenplay: An Executive’s Perspective on...
by Trevor Mayes | Jul 17, 2012 | Industry Advice, Pitching |
On Saturday I attended a fucking great series of talks sponsored by InkTip — a terrific fucking resource for screenwriters. Why all the profanity? Because I got to listen to one of my favorite columnists — Manny Fonseca — who’s known for his...