Making sure your screenplay doesn’t leave you stranded.
The one the pros use!
For over 10 years, I’ve been offering the most comprehensive script proofreading service in the business. That’s why I’ve become the first choice for amateurs and A-list screenwriters alike. Let me help you make a great first impression!
Script Proofreading
A Bold New Year
“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe A Bold New Year 2010. A new year. A new decade. A new chance to write and sell a screenplay or otherwise break into Hollywood. But in this new...
Bitter Nugget of Gold
The Bitter Script Reader One of the blogs I follow is The Bitter Script Reader. He offers some great insight into why screenplays work and don't work, as well as a glimpse into the mindset of a current Hollywood script reader. Occasionally he'll offhandedly offer a...
All that you see or seem…
I had no idea the extent to which green screen was being used in television. I knew they obviously needed it for hangar bay shots and such on sci-fi shows like Battlestar Galactica. But the technology is so widely available and economical now that they're even using...
50% Off – Only 3 Days Left
Time is Running Out! If you have a script that's ready for a final polish or assessment, there's only 3 days left to take advantage of Scriptwrecked's December savings. All services are 50% off for a limited time only. There are currently four options to choose from...
Sunday Pop Quiz
Sunday Pop Quiz There are at least seven ways to improve the following short script excerpt. Can you find them all? [scrippet] INT. PATRICIA'S HOUSE - UPSTAIRS - BEDROOM - DAY Patricia is sitting at her computer. She looks at her monitor, then angrily KNOCKS on it....
5 of the Best Movies You’ve Never Seen
I racked my brain for something to give all of you as a belated Festivus gift. Gems? Greeting cards? Flying monkeys? And finally it occurred to me -- movies! So, I'm going to tell you about... 5 of the Best Movies You've Never Seen Obviously the term "best movie" is...
Bad Parking and Screenwriting
"If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well." - Proverb Holiday Hypothesis Today I was out and about (or as my Canadian friends would say -- "oat in a boat"), doing my usual last minute holiday shopping (God bless the inventor of gift certificates). When I arrived...
Are your slug lines naked?
What's a slug line? It's another way of saying "shot heading" or "scene heading." What's a naked slug line? A naked slug line is a scene heading that has no direction below it -- only dialogue. It's considered bad form to jump directly into dialogue without first...
Script vs. Movie: ARMORED
This is the first in what may become a series of articles where I'll take a look at an early version of a script and compare it to the resulting movie. SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! This article discusses everything from plot twists to the ending of the...
Show Don’t Tell: The Revenge!
Preamble In a previous post, I discussed some of the concepts and examples behind the expression, "Show don't tell." A picture says a thousand words -- imagine how many words motion-pictures say. That's why it's a well-regarded rule to follow when writing your scenes....
11 Laws of Great Storytelling
Jeffrey Hirschberg has written a great article discussing the 11 laws he believes are critical to your script's success. While it is impossible to have a foolproof formula, I have learned certain principles dramatically increase the probability of your story achieving...
Pop Quiz: Using Numbers in Your Dialogue
Time for a pop quiz about using numbers in your dialogue. Part 1 - Regular Numbers Is the following usage correct? [scrippet] MARK TWAIN I can live for 2 months on a good compliment. [/scrippet] It's actually incorrect. Numbers should always be spelled out, as...