by Trevor Mayes | Jun 15, 2012 | Diversions, Humor, Links |
Because it’s Friday Here are the videos that have been haunting my dreams this past week. Burning Love Have you seen this parody of The Bachelor yet? It’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. Thanks to Yahoo throwing some money behind it,...
by Trevor Mayes | Jun 13, 2012 | Contests |
Screenplay Competitions At the Great American PitchFest 2012, I attended four free classes. In my last post, I discussed the class that dealt with selling your script. Today’s post gives you the deets on screenwriting contests, courtesy of the following panel:...
by Trevor Mayes | Jun 11, 2012 | Industry Terms |
“Let’s Sell Your Script!” – Panel Discussion As discussed in my quick review of The Great American PitchFest 2012, I attended four free screenwriting classes. The first one was a panel discussion with Ken Rotcop, Melody Jackson, Kathie Fong...
by Trevor Mayes | Jun 6, 2012 | My Experiences, Pitching |
Great American PitchFest Adventures Thanks to Ben Cahan, and his Talentville contest, I won a free pass to this past weekend’s Great American PitchFest (GAPF)! I was thrilled because the event is always so well put together and truly one of the best ways to get...
by Trevor Mayes | May 31, 2012 | Words, Writing |
Spra-what? Some of the coolest words that have permeated the English language are German in origin: schadenfreude… zeitgeist… doppelgänger… And they’re fun to say too! My new favorite word? Sprachgefühl. Why? For years I’ve been talking...